
High school interactions

I have 2 teenagers. Given that I go to high school/college planning sessions that the high school counselors provide. Every time I go to one of these sessions I expect to hear something quite outlandish regarding preparing/financing of college. Monday night was NO different. The high school counselor told students that they did not need to take certain classes (like foreign language) to get into college. He indicated that it would be nice but not required. I raised my hand immediately and shared with the mis-guided parents that in order to qualify for State scholarship, their students would need to take an additional language class. I had a few parents give me a "thumbs up" or a smile after my comment.

After the session was over I introduced myself to the high school counselor and told him I could help him in any way in the future to ensure accurate information was given out. He declined! We have a yearly training for these counselors to learn about the intricacies of financial aid....the school my children attend NEVER attend these training sessions! I would like to scream.

Maybe I expect too much from these individuals, but every time I attend one of their sessions I either correct the information or have to bite my tongue. I have contacted this school many times to offer my services and have consistently been rebuffed. One of these days when I am sitting down with the principal at a school activity, I will bend her ear. I hope her ear bounces back to its original shape once I am done.

I had to get this one off my chest…tirade over!

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